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  3. Reporting, Reconcilliation & Billing

Downloading a Settlement account statement

Your Finance or Accounts team may wish to download a PDF version of the Settlement account statement. This can be done through the Vyne Merchant portal using the steps outlined below. This includes an itemised statement of all monies in and out of your account, including payments in, refunds out, payouts, and fees. Note that fees debited include VAT where applicable.

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  1. Sign into the Merchant portal and click the profile icon in the top right for a dropdown 
  2. Click on Account
  3. Click the Download Statement button to open a modal
  4. Select the Settlement Account you wish to download the statement for
  5. Select the Settlement Date Range you wish to see payments for
  6. Click the Generate button
  7. Once the report is generated, click the Download button to download the PDF statement


If you have any questions regarding Settlement Account Statements or require assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us.