Managing and creating new users

Managing users

It is now easier than ever to manage access to your Partner or Merchant portal by creating different user accounts with varying levels of access. As an Admin user, you will be able to add a new user, disable a user, or change their user role. You can also reset multi-factor authentication for another user should they need to regain access.

The three user roles are as follows:

  • Viewer: Users with the Viewer permission have access to reporting only, they can access and download payments data.
  • Standard: Users with the Standard permission have access to everything Viewers can do, plus payments functionality such as issuing refunds.
  • Administrator: Users with the Administrator permission have access to everything and can create new users and reassign permissions.

Click here for more information on each user role and what permissions each have within the Vyne portal.


Creating a new user

  1. Within the Vyne portal, click the profile icon in the top right for a dropdown 
  2. Select Users
  3. Select to Add user
  4. Enter the name and email for the new user including their user role

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Managing existing users

As an Admin user, you can edit the role/permissions of your other users. You can also reset the MFA for any of your users. We also allow you to disable any other user accounts should anyone leave the business. 

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Why can I not disable a user account?

As a security measure, you cannot disable a user if they have generated any API access tokens and these are still in use. To get around this, another Admin user on the account will need to generate new tokens from the Vyne portal (Settings -> API). 

Once the new tokens are in use, the other user account can be disabled.


If you have any questions regarding Vyne user accounts or require assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us.